

We advise professional cleanings at various intervals. For many patients, every 6 months works well to maintain healthy gums and teeth, but some benefit from more frequent cleanings, and a few patients may benefit from only annual visits or less. Good home care lessens the need for extra visits. During your initial appointment, we’ll assess your gum health to determine the cleaning type you require. The frequency of visits is an individual decision that is determined based on your level of health.

Our hygienists are highly trained, compassionate, and exceptionally thorough. We allocate an hour or longer for our cleanings to ensure thoroughness, maintain relationships, and allow for patient education.

Periodontal Therapy

When gums are infected, special procedures called scaling and root planing are necessary to tackle bleeding, deep pockets, and swelling. Our office also uses ozone as part of this procedure to better address infection. After controlling the disease and ensuring good home care, restorative treatments can commence for long-lasting results.

Periodontal Maintenance

Patients with a history of gum disease or ongoing issues receive specialized cleanings every 3 months to eliminate deposits below the gum line and maintain oral health.