
Invisalign treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. No brackets and wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces.

Invisalign clear aligners are made from SmartTrack proprietary material to deliver more predictable tooth movements. Unlike most other clear aligners and retainers, Invisalign aligners and retainers are trimmed based on each patient’s gum line to provide optimal patient comfort and aesthetics.


1.  MORE COMFORTABLE, Less Invasive, and Metal Free

We are thrilled to offer Invisalign with Dr. Lilit. Removable aligners are more comfortable than traditional braces. Traditional metal brackets have sharp edges that can dig and cut into your lips and cheeks. Invisalign trays have smooth edges made with high-quality resin and tend to be significantly more comfortable overall.


One of the best benefits of a removable aligner over traditional braces is that it allows you to take better care of your teeth during treatment. With traditional braces, bits of food and plaque can get stuck around and inside brackets which can become difficult to clean properly. If not cleaned properly, this can lead to gum disease and even tooth decay. With Invisalign, you can remove the aligners and continue your normal dental hygiene routine. Flossing and brushing can all be done normally without the need for special equipment.


Another benefit of invisible aligners is that they are made from clear resin to perfectly fit your teeth. This means they are much less visible than traditional braces, so many people won’t even know you are straightening your teeth. Using an invisible aligner is a more discreet option to help get straight teeth, boost confidence, and improve dental health.


With invisible aligners, you won’t need to visit the dentist as frequently, and the visits will be much shorter and far less intrusive than traditional braces.

Find Out If Invisalign is Right for You

Call us for a consultation with Dr. Lilit to see if Invisalign is a good option for you.

Learn more about Invisalign here:

What are Invisalign® aligners and how they are different from braces |